Entities is my response to the project Streaming egos - digital identities, initiated by the Goethe-Institut and in cooperation with the Slow Media Institute Bonnand the NRW-Forum Dusseldorf.
Streaming egos explores the challenges, risks and potentials of digital identities. In the participating countries - Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain - net culture specialists, artists and writers have been invited for it. The Portuguese project was curated by Sandra Vieira Jürgens and includes the artists André Alves, Claudia Fisher, Paulo Mendes, and Pedro Portugal.
The project was presented in Portugal at Gulbenkian Foundation (under the name of Geografias Mutantes) and at the NRW-Forum Dusseldorf.
Entitiesresponds to the European project Streaming Egos - digital Identities, organized by Goethe-Institut. The concerns of the project started from dealing with regional and nationalistic views about "Who am I" is one of the oldest fundamental issues of humankind, which is increasingly reinterpreted by the question "Who am I in power?" Or "Who I want to be in the digital world?" Apply to the game with the digital identities For example, in Spain different rules than in Germany? Is the Internet a global leveler western embossment or there are national specifics?".
From early on I decided step away from approaching identity as a phenomenological or as a nationalistic event. The understanding of relations between oneself, others and mediality, and the relation with words in this contemporary setting became my departing point. I looked into words as the great mediator of our digital correspondence and the relation between subjects by writing small poems and rendering them in recordings of readings, singings, made either by myself or with the help of artificial voice synthesizers, animated gifs, karaoke songs, recorded cell phone conversations, videos appropriation,...
The list of writing/poems/visual was divided in three parts: no more phenomenology; becoming a thing in the world; being with others being with others, being other words. The distribution of "poems" was decided on the basis of creating a sense of passage from a model based in the immanence of personal identity to a relation based - entanglement with others.
Entities exists in form of a website page where the different results of the project can be seen, read, listened. It was housed at Raum: residências artísticas online and produced with the help of João Sousa fromV-A studio and Morritz Degen.